Popular Speaker Types

After Dinner Speakers

Mike Abrashoff

Mike Abrashoff was the most junior officer in the Pacific Fleet when he took command of the near-worst performing ship. Twelve months later, the USS Benfold was the best ship in the entire Navy – using the same crew. The story of that stunning transformation has lessons for every organization: leadership matters – and culture […]


Michael Wekerle

Michael Wekerle is a rock star in the world of Canadian finance, known for his shrewd value spotting in the fields of tech, biotech and media. As the founder and Chairman of the merchant bank Difference Capital Financial Inc., he oversees a fund that includes such successful growth companies as Hootsuite, Vision Critical, BuildDirect, CYA […]


Matthew Luhn

Matthew Luhn is a writer, story branding consultant and keynote speaker with over 25 years’ experience creating stories and characters at Pixar Animation Studios and beyond. Alongside his story work in Hollywood, Matthew also trains CEOs, marketing teams, directors and other professionals how to craft and tell stories for Fortune 500 companies, Academy Award-winning movies […]


John Rossman

John Rossman is a sought-after keynote speaker, former Amazon executive, and business strategist. Rossman is most known for launching and scaling the Amazon Marketplace, which Jeff Bezos called “one of his magical businesses”, accounting for over 50% of all Amazon units sold and shipped. Rossman also served as Director of Enterprise Services at Amazon.com under […]


Dr. Vikram Mansharamani

A researcher, academic, prolific author, entrepreneur, and active investor, Dr. Mansharamani is recognized as an authority on geo-politics and geo-economics, and the interplay between the two. His writings have reached millions of readers globally, leading the 500 million member LinkedIn network to list Dr. Mansharamani as their #1 Top Voice in Money, Finance, & Global […]