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Science & STEM

Gregory Robinson

A 33-year veteran of NASA, Gregory Robinson is the former director of the $10 billion dollar James Webb Space Telescope (Webb). With 100 times more power than its predecessor, the Hubble Telescope, Webb is considered one of NASA’s greatest achievements of the 21st century. Robinson’s role in not only turning around an over budget program […]

Nicholas Ning

Nicholas Ning is a serial entrepreneur with a background in mechatronics systems engineering and an MBA from MIT Sloan. Over the past decade, he has built a reputation for bringing unique lateral perspectives to problem-solving, having worked in a variety of sectors, including finance, ag-tech, software/hardware, fashion, and the culinary arts. Today, he is best […]

Dr. Eugenia Addy

Dr. Eugenia Addy is a scientist, educator, and social entrepreneur. As the CEO of Visions of Science, she is dedicated to equitable STEM access and community transformation. With a Ph.D. in Chemistry from the University of Toronto, Eugenia has over 15 years of experience developing youth initiatives in over 40 communities. She is a sought-after […]

Fionn Ferriera

Fionn Ferriera is a young scientist, anti-plastic pollution campaigner and engineer. He is a native of West Cork, Ireland- a very remote region surrounded by the stunning Irish landscape. As a child, Fionn enjoyed getting creative by inventing things using LEGO, little microcontrollers and wood. He put his creative skills to test upon hearing about […]

Dr. David Suzuki

Dr. David Suzuki has made it his life’s work to help humanity understand, appreciate, respect and protect nature. A scientist, broadcaster, author, and co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, he is a gifted interpreter of science and nature who provides audiences with a compelling look at the state of our environment, underscoring both the successes […]