Popular Speaker Types


Ben Smith

Ben Smith is the former Editor-in-Chief at BuzzFeed, and current Media Columnist at the New York Times. He joined the BuzzFeed team in January 2010 and was responsible for overseeing and expanding editorial coverage, and production of original content for the first true social news organization. Ben and his team changed the way people viewed […]


Chantal Hébert

Chantal Hébert began her career in Toronto. She began as a reporter for the regional newsroom of Radio-Canada in 1975 and moved to work on Parliament Hill for Radio-Canada. Ms. Hébert served as the parliamentary bureau chief for Le Devoir and La Presse. Currently, she is the National Affairs writer for the Toronto Star. In […]


Stephen Carter

The National Post, CBC and other political commentators have described Stephen Carter as a “political mastermind.” In reality, he is at the forefront of a new political class focused on post-partisan politics. He led Alison Redford’s successful race for the Progressive Conservative Association leadership bid in Alberta, as well as her come-from-behind campaign for premier […]


Jacquie McNish

Jacquie McNish is Canada’s most respected business journalist. She is the recipient of numerous awards for revealing newspaper investigations and writing gripping non-fiction books. Whether she is discussing mining discoveries on the windswept shores of Northern Labrador or pension reform on Rhode Island, readers enjoy the work of a compelling storyteller. Jacquie is the former […]


Harnarayan Singh

Born and raised in small-town Alberta, Harnarayan has risen through the broadcast ranks as a prominent media personality in Canada’s favourite sport, challenging the status quo. With over 800 games of experience as an NHL broadcaster and known for his entertaining goal calls, Harnarayan’s story has spread throughout the hockey world, allowing him to commentate […]