Stephen Carter
Political and Marketing Mastermind | Founder, QED Marketing | Engineered Naheed Nenshi’s Winning Campaign
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The National Post, CBC and other political commentators have described Stephen Carter as a “political mastermind.” In reality, he is at the forefront of a new political class focused on post-partisan politics.
He led Alison Redford’s successful race for the Progressive Conservative Association leadership bid in Alberta, as well as her come-from-behind campaign for premier of the province. He also served as Redford’s chief of staff.
Stephen was the architect of Naheed Nenshi’s remarkable 2010 campaign for mayor of Calgary. His roots in politics include serving as media liaison and strategist to Joe Clark from 2001 to 2003.
Carter was the National Director of Campaign Strategy for Hill+Knowlton Strategies from 2011-2015. Now he is the President of QED Marketing Inc., the next bold step in the evolution of his thinking around campaign strategies.
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