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Layne (the Auctionista)

High-energy, witty, emotionally charged storytelling that powers kindness, authenticity, empathy, and inclusion. That is what audiences from across the globe have seen and felt when Layne takes the stage.  Layne is a non-binary, successful entrepreneur with a charming, animated personality, and armed with a collection of captivating anecdotes. They have presented on stages for over […]


Susan Stewart

Susan Stewart is a comedian, author, and keynote speaker who leaves every audience laughing and inspired to see the lighter side of life. With the blend of wit and wisdom that she is known for, Susan entertains while sharing ways to meet adversity with courage, confidence, and of course, a sense of humour.


Kate Davis

Kate Davis is an award-winning comic, author and sought-after international keynote speaker who teaches audiences to “lighten up,” bringing them the balance and connectivity they lack in their busy lives. Her keynotes are grounded in two decades of research and development that have transformed the lives of her audiences. Kate’s compelling insight and outspoken character […]


André-Phillipe Gagnon

André-Philippe Gagnon was just a young hopeful when he did his very first impressions… at five years old! From Josh Groban to Tracy Chapman, Louis Armstrong, James Brown, The Rat Pack and Elton John – almost better than the original! One of the biggest breaks came in 1985 when he appeared at the world-renowned comedy […]



Steven “ÉTIENNE” Langlois is an exciting blend of rockstar and educational consultant. He is an award-winning Canadian musician and recording artist and recipient of multiple Lifetime Achievement awards spanning across the globe. ÉTIENNE has earned his press-labelled nickname, the “Teacher-Rockstar.” His fans have racked up millions of views of his videos on YouTube, and his […]