One Large Step for Women

One Large Step for Women

Today we celebrate the 50th Anniversary of the Apollo 11 launch to the moon. This was one large step for men, and a giant leap for women. Katherine Johnson was a key member in the endeavour. In her time, Katherine was a “computer.” Her calculations were...
The Keynote to Success

The Keynote to Success

Spontaneous harmony is difficult to achieve. Try it for yourself; go to a colleague, and tell them that on three, you’ll both sing a note. We’ll be here when you get back. Assuming you tried the exercise, chances are you didn’t get a perfect vocal harmony; the...
Unique Places to Host Your Next Event

Unique Places to Host Your Next Event

A look at 4 unconventional conference halls that can transform your event By Talent Bureau As guys who have booked speakers for every kind of event, we’ve seen our share of unusual venues. In our blog on TEDxToronto 2017, we noted the dynamic environment that was...