Introducing Jeremie Saunders

Introducing Jeremie Saunders

Jeremie discusses the success of Sickboy Podcast and his mission to promote authentic conversation surrounding health and other taboo topics. By Emily McConkey Jeremie Saunders has had an incredible year. He delivered a brilliant keynote at TEDxToronto, won the COCA...
Introducing Anne T. Donahue

Introducing Anne T. Donahue

Anne T. Donahue discusses her new book, Nobody Cares, speaking onstage and pop culture. By Emily McConkey Anne T. Donahue is an “awfully shrewish” writer and person, according to her Twitter profile anyway. She’s written for Flare, Cosmopolitan, Refinery29 and The...
Ladies Learning Code Widens Its Scope

Ladies Learning Code Widens Its Scope

Canada Learning Code: Melissa Sariffodeen’s organization rebrand pushes for more coding education across Canada By Emily McConkey Here at Talent Bureau, we’re always thrilled to see our speakers taking their ventures in new directions. Tech expert and advocate Melissa...