Praise for Crossroads

Praise for Crossroads

Last month, Humboldt Bronco Survivor, Diabetes Advocate and Talent Bureau exclusive Kaleb Dahlgren celebrated the release of his debut book, Globe & Mail #1 Bestseller (3 weeks straight), Crossroads! The poignant but hopeful memoir follows Kaleb’s extraordinary...
Introducing Dr. Jody Carrington

Introducing Dr. Jody Carrington

Our team is thrilled to introduce you to powerhouse speaker Dr. Jody Carrington! DR. JODY CARRINGTON is one of North America’s top psychologists, a bestselling author and a high-demand speaker (seriously, we can’t keep up)! Her expertise, insight and humour are a...
Kaleb Dahlgren: Living Without Limits

Kaleb Dahlgren: Living Without Limits

  Kaleb Dahlgren shares his experience on what it’s like to live with diabetes at the Diabetes Canada D-Camp in Christopher Lake. Check out this article on CTV News by Lataevia-Ceianna Beezer. “Kaleb Dahlgren wants kids with diabetes know that even with...
Introducing Jeremie Saunders

Introducing Jeremie Saunders

Jeremie discusses the success of Sickboy Podcast and his mission to promote authentic conversation surrounding health and other taboo topics. By Emily McConkey Jeremie Saunders has had an incredible year. He delivered a brilliant keynote at TEDxToronto, won the COCA...