Jessica Janzen

Grief Expert | Co-Founder, Love of Lewiston Foundation | Author, Bring the Joy

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About Jessica

Jessica Janzen is a motivational speaker, business coach, entrepreneur, author and philanthropist. Jessica’s world blew up in 2016 when doctors delivered the news that her son had a rare genetic disease called Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA). At the time, there was no cure, no treatment, and she was told her son wouldn’t make his first birthday.

After overcoming the loss of her son, Lewiston, Jessica decided she didn’t want to be in survival mode a minute longer. She used her pain as rocket fuel to create the change she desired and built a life of joy and success. Through her advocacy work, Jessica breaks through barriers to make a life changing impact for a more accessible, and joyful world. She is the master of getting unstuck and bringing the joy to any situation.

Jessica’s mission is to empower leaders, teams, and individuals to reach their fullest potential by providing them with her Roadmap For Resiliency and strategies for navigating mental health and burnout.

Through engaging storytelling and inspiring life lessons, she aims to cultivate a possibility mindset that enables individuals to answer the question of “So Now What” and spiral upwards towards success and joy.

Jessica is the recipient of The Doc Seaman Individual Philanthropist Award 2021 Generosity of Spirit Award, 2022, the Dr. Katie Manders Courage to Inspire Award and Calgary’s Top 40 under 40 in 2022. She is the Co-Founder of The Love for Lewiston Foundation – impacting lives across Canada and supporting critical research and medical needs for families living SMA and The Alberta Children’s Hospital Foundation. Her advocacy work led to the implementation of Newborn Screening for SMA – ensuring no baby gets undiagnosed. To date, the Foundation has raised over $2 Million dollars. Her book ‘Bring The Joy’ has helped thousands of individuals reconnect to joy and is a bestseller. Jessica is an expert in resiliency, mental health, dreaming big and of course, all things joy.


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