Have you ever wandered through a maze of mirrors? You’re trying to navigate your way through to the end but it feels endless, you feel restless, and the only thing you see if your own reflection.

Just over two weeks ago, life was normal. Now, it feels like the rather than seeing ourselves in the maze of mirrors, all we see is the face of uncertainty. All we can do is take the best steps possible until we’re in the sun again (metaphorically and literally).

Our first piece of advice- take a step back. This is uncharted territory and any choice you make now, is most likely the best choice you can make at the moment. Give yourself a pat on the back, and give a shout out to all the front-line healthcare and essential service workers.


Now, how should you handle a cancelled or postponed event?


1. Pre-Plan Safety For Your First Return Event

Most likely, event postponements and cancellations will affect us for the next three to four months. As we ease back into normality (whatever that may be), people may still feel hesitant to be in rooms with large groups. As you plan the postponed event take into consideration all the tools you need to create safe, distanced meetings. Implement these tools to ensure your attendees feel comfortable and safe. Reach out to the venue or your event planner/manager to see how they’re preparing for the changes.

2. Set Realistic Goals

We’re not going to sugarcoat it, replanning an event is not easy. Venues will have tighter schedules and they might implement restrictions. Be prepared to compromise. You may not get your desired date or venue, but audiences will be more understanding.

3. Go Virtual!

In many cases, the show must go on. Most people have blocked off the date and are at home. Take advantage of the technology available and rock an online conference, meeting or celebrity appearance. The opportunity to reach a global audience is greater than ever. Talk to a professional or advisor!

Reach out to one of our team members to help you get started with socially distant alternatives like virtual meetings, webinars and keynotes!