About This Speaker: Freestyle Socials

Freestyle Socials are a popular social collaboration workshop developed by Award-Winning Science Communicator Anthony Morgan. Freestyle Socials help organizations encourage their audiences to challenge their old thinking patterns and open the door to flexible and imaginative thinking. Rather than changing what people think, this workshop helps to change how people think.

Innovative and engaging, Freestyle Socials are the perfect group activity to help your team uncover their cognitive barriers and foster collaboration, productive disagreements and creativity. Their custom topical content will help build brain power with disagreements, done well.

It’s not that we disagree. It’s how. With the wrong ground rules, disagreements devolve into uncivil “us vs. them” thinking. Freestyle Socials help us reap the benefits of good disagreements by changing how we do them.

Innovative and engaging, Freestyle Socials are the perfect group activity to help your team dive into curiosity, creativity and collaboration. Their custom topical content will help build brain power with disagreements done well.

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